za slovnične napake izvini brate
Ta blog sem ustvaril v prvi vrsti zaradi sebe. V drugi pa zaradi vse preveč ljudi, ki so si preprosto želeli ogledati moje fotografsko delo, med tem ko sem njihove človeške podobe beležil na fotografski papir. Socialnih omrežij ipak nimajo vsi, in mogoče je socialno omrežje res nadvse slaba reklama, glede na to, da se tam beleži vse več ljudi, ki so preprosto mnenja, da se brez tega itak ne da več živeti.
Nekatere je povozil čas drugi pa ga iz drugih razlogov nimajo, v ta namen je ustvarjen Blog za ugled mojih fotografij za vse bolj zahtevne gledalce, kritike in navsezadnje ljudi.
In ta blog bo nekoč služil kot moja portfolija. Seveda pa je blog v pripravi.
Prijeten ugled.
I created this blog primarily for myself. In the second, because too many people who simply want to see my photographic work, while I was their human image recorded on photographic paper. Social networks IPAK not all, and maybe a social network is really very bad publicity, given that there are records all over people who simply believe that without this anyway no longer live.
Some of the outmoded while others have other reasons, for this purpose has been created for the reputation of my blog photos for more demanding viewers, critics, and ultimately humans.
And this blog will eventually serve as my portfolio. Of course, the blog is under construction.
Nice reputation.
I created this blog primarily for myself. In the second, because too many people who simply want to see my photographic work, while I was their human image recorded on photographic paper. Social networks IPAK not all, and maybe a social network is really very bad publicity, given that there are records all over people who simply believe that without this anyway no longer live.
Some of the outmoded while others have other reasons, for this purpose has been created for the reputation of my blog photos for more demanding viewers, critics, and ultimately humans.
And this blog will eventually serve as my portfolio. Of course, the blog is under construction.
Nice reputation.